Developers SDK

VPN Unlimited SDK v1.11 for iOS

Getting started


The VPN Unlimited SDK for OS X is shipped as a static framework. It is written in Objective-C and C++ and is available for OS X 10.10 and later.


Drag and drop VPNUnlimitedSDK.framework into your project. You have to include the VPNUnlimitedSDKResourceOSX.bundle file (drag and drop it, too).

In order to use it you have to add -ObjC linker flag in XCode (Target > Build Settings > Linker > Other Linker Flags). You also have to add the following additional frameworks and libraries to XCode (Target > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries):

  • SystemConfiguration.framework
  • libz.tbd
  • libresolv.tbd

After the setup is completed, you should be able to use all the classes from the SDK by including it with the #import <VPNUnlimitedSDK/VPNUnlimitedSDK.h> directive.


The current version of the VPN Unlimited SDK uses the following libraries under the hood:

  • libcurl
  • libssl
  • libcares
  • libcrypto

If your project uses one of these libraries and you get conflicts, please contact the VPN Unlimited team for further investigation.

Xcode 7.x+ and App Transport Security

The VPN Unlimited SDK uses a local HTTP server to download VPN profiles (which does not use the NEVPNManager class). You must include the Allow Arbitrary Loads flag in your project's Info.plist file if you use Xcode 7.x+. See Apple's documentation regarding this issue.

App Sandbox Mode

For the same reason as in the previous paragraph, you must set Incoming Connections (Server), Outgoing Connections (Client) checkboxes when using the Apple's App Sandbox mode. Also, you must add the exception key to your entitlement with the value of as described here.

Using App ID and App secret

Use the following setup code in your AppDelegate's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method:

[KSVPNUFacade.defaultFacade setApplicationID:@"<#YOUR_APPLICATION_ID#>"];

[KSVPNUFacade.defaultFacade setApplicationSecret:@"<#YOUR_APPLICATION_SECRET#>"];
Network Extension

Supported protocols:

  • IKEv2
  • OpenVPN
  • KeepSolid Wise UDP
  • KeepSolid Wise TCP

Replace NEPacketTunnelProvider with VPNUPacketTunnelProvider.


  @interface YourPacketTunnelProvider : VPNUPacketTunnelProvider


The provider bundle identifier is used for protocols:

  • OpenVPN
  • KeepSolid Wise UDP
  • KeepSolid Wise TCP

Use the following setup code in your AppDelegate's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:> method:

[KSVPNUFacade.defaultFacade setProviderBundleIdentifier:@"<#YOUR_APPLICATION_BUNDLE_ID#>”];

This SDK is designed in the classic OOP style. We provide a handful of classes which you can use in any desired combination. All network calls are synchronous, so you should never call them from the main thread. This limitation is highlighted by the fact, that you actually can perform several steps in a row serially on the secondary thread and come back to the main thread with a desired result.

Here is the complete list of classes:

  • KSVPNUFacade
  • VPNUTransport
  • VPNURequest
  • VPNUAuthorizer
  • VPNUAccount
  • VPNUAccountStatus
  • VPNUAccountUserInfo
  • VPNUAccountDeviceStatistics
  • VPNUAccountDevice
  • VPNUServersListAccessor
  • VPNUServerItem
  • VPNUConfigurator
  • VPNUPurchaseManager
  • VPNUPurchaseItem
  • VPNUOnDemandConnectionManager
  • VPNUStorage

You can see the complete documentation for each class on the Reference page.

Here we just briefly describe the standard workflow.


As stated previously, all network calls in this SDK are performed synchronously. This means that you should perform them all in a non-main thread, otherwise they will be blocked and never come back. Each method which falls into this category is explicitly documented.

In order to achieve the asynchronous behavior, you can use any multithreading technique you prefer. We recommend Grand Central Dispatch. When the operation is finished you can move back to the main thread. You can stay on the secondary thread and perform more networking actions serially, if you like.


KSVPNUFacade is a class which serves as a 'facade' to the other VPN Unlimited SDK classes. It hides the complexity of the VPN Unlimited SDK by encapsulating most of the needed features. Please check the documentation for this class, it is suitable for most applications.


In every example in the FAQ section it is implicitly considered that the code is being executed on the secondary thread using the following syntax:

dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
    // Sample code from FAQ
How to set a custom name for the downloaded profile?

First, contact our representative and provide a unique string for the profile name. This can be your company or product name, e.g. "My Awesome VPN". This string will be then used on our servers when generating the profile.

Do not forget to set the same string for your KSVPNUFacade singleton:

KSVPNUFacade.defaultFacade.profileName = @"My Awesome VPN";

This action must be done before any other calls to the VPNUConfigurator instance, e.g. in your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method. Therefore, this step is a part of your initial setup.

How to specify a custom profile download page?

You can specify a path to your custom HTML page by setting the customProfileDownloadHTMLPath property of your KSVPNUFacade singleton:

KSVPNUFacade.defaultFacade.configurator.customProfileDownloadHTMLPath = absolutePathToYourHTMLPage;

This action must be done before any other calls to the VPNUConfigurator instance, e.g. in your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method. Therefore, this step is a part of your initial setup.

Keep in mind that you must provide the @PROFILE_URL@ string somewhere in your HTML code as this string will be replaced with a real profile URL. Please consider the following example of your page:

      <div>Download of your "My Awesome VPN" profile will begin shortly...</div>
      <iframe id="download_profile" src="@PROFILE_URL@" style="display:none;"></iframe>
How to log in an existing user?

You can log in using the user's credentials:

NSString *login = @"login@some.domain";
NSString *password = @"password";
NSError *error;
VPNUAuthorizer *authorizer = KSVPNUFacade.defaultFacade.authorizer;
VPNUAccountUserInfo *userInfo = [authorizer authorizeWithLogin:login andPassword:password error:&error];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
  if (error) {
    NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
  } else {
    NSLog(@"Logged in user:%@",;

If authorization is successful, the used VPNUTransport instance is managing the newly created session and reconnects automatically when this session is expired. From now on, you have to pass the same VPNUTransport instance to all other objects that depend on it.

How to register a new user?

You can register a new user using the user's credentials. registerWithLogin: will automatically log in a newly created user.

NSString *login = @"login@some.domain";
NSString *password = @"password";
NSError *error;
VPNUAuthorizer *authorizer = KSVPNUFacade.defaultFacade.authorizer;
VPNUAccountUserInfo *userInfo = [authorizer registerWithLogin:login andPassword:password error:&error];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
  if (error) {
    NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
  } else {
    NSLog(@"Registered and Logged in user:\n%@",;
How to log out a logged in user?

You have to be logged in in order to perform this operation successfully. Please refer to two previous answers.

NSError *error; 
BOOL signedOut = [KSVPNUFacade.defaultFacade.authorizer signOutWithError:&error]; 
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ 
  if (!signedOut && error) { 
    NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); 
  } else { 
    NSLog(@"Logged out"); 
How to retrieve an account status of a logged in user?

Assuming you are logged in:

[KSVPNUFacade.defaultFacade accountStatusWithCompletion:^(NSError *error, VPNUAccountStatus *accountStatus) { 
  if (error) { 
    NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); 
  } else { 
    NSLog(@"Will expire on:\n%@", accountStatus.timeLeftString);     
How to monitor a VPN connection status?

You can callloadPreferencesWithCompletion of your KSVPNUFacade singleton if you want to retrieve the connectionStatus property (incl. KVO) or receive the VPNUConnectionStatusDidChangeNotification notification. Attention: Call this method asynchronously before any call to the configurator.

[KSVPNUFacade.defaultFacade loadPreferencesWithCompletion:^(NSError *error){
  [self addConnectionStatusKVO];
How to retrieve the list of available VPN servers?

[KSVPNUFacade.defaultFacade serverListWithOptions:KSVPNUServerListOptionsOptimal 
                                       completion:^(NSError *error, NSArray *serversList) { 
                                          if (error) { 
                                           NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); 
                                          } else { 
                                           NSLog(@"Available regions:"); 
                                          for (VPNUServerItem *listItem in serversList) { 
                                            NSLog(@"%@ (%@)",, listItem.region); 
                                          //Selecting some server 
                                          self.selectedServerItem = [serversList firstObject]; 
How to connect to the selected VPN server?

You can set up the selected server item (see the previous question on how to retrieve it). A profile for the selected server item is downloaded every time the setupVPNWithServerItem: method is called.

[KSVPNUFacade.defaultFacade setupVPNWithServerItem:(VPNUServerItem *)serverItem 
                                        completion:^(NSError *error, BOOL successfullyInstalled) { 
                                             if (error) { 
                                                 NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); 
                                             } else { 
                                                 // Now you can connect to VPN 

Now, you can try to connect to the selected server. Please pay attention to the fact that this method returns after the VPN tunnel connection process is started and does not notify about the actual success of the VPN connection. In order to obtain the connection status, use the connectionStatus property of VPNUConfigurator. This method blocks the calling thread.

NSError *error; 
BOOL started = [KSVPNUFacade.defaultFacade.configurator startVPNWithError:&error]; 
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ 
  if (error) { 
    NSLog(@"Error: %@", error); 
  } else { 
    NSLog(@"Connection started: %d", started); 
What is "Fake login"?

During the first App Store review, your iOS application may be rejected due "Guideline 5.1.1 - Legal - Privacy - Data Collection and Storage" To avoid such a situation, we have implemented the Fake Login mechanism. Fake Login allows to sign up and sign in users in the background. This way, a user can use the VPN service and purchase subscriptions without the need to enter and remember credentials. When this user decides to register his own account, Fake Login will merge the fake account with a real one, saving all the purchases and other settings.

Note: The Fake Login mechanism is highly recommended to use only if the above case occurred.

How to create a fake account?

For new users you need to call registerFakeAccountWithCompanyDomain: method. It will create a unique fake account, authorize a user, and return account credentials (login and password). Save the credentials to iCloud using saveAccountInCloudLogin:. It will store credentials inside the iCloud Key-Value Storage.

Note: You can use any other options of your choice to save user credentials, but we recommend to use iCloud.

How to login with fake account?

Get fake account credentials from iCloud via the loadAccountFromCloud: method. Sign in as usual authorizeWithLogin:

Fake Login example:

NSDictionary *iCloudAccount = [[KSVPNUFacade defaultFacade] loadAccountFromCloud];
if (iCloudAccount == nil) {
    [[KSVPNUFacade defaultFacade] registerFakeAccountWithCompanyDomain:@"" completion:^(NSString *login, NSString *password, NSError *error) {
        if (error) {
             // Fake account registration failed
        } else {
            // Fake account registration was successful
            [[KSVPNUFacade defaultFacade] saveAccountInCloudLogin:login password:password];
} else {
    [[KSVPNUFacade defaultFacade] authorizeWithLogin:iCloudAccount[@"login"] 
                                          andPassword:iCloudAccount[@"password"] completion:nil];
Other versions: 1.1 / 1.7 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.12 / 2.0 / 2.1.0 / 2.2.0