Name | Description |
KSAccountDevice | A model object which describes a user's device. |
KSAccountManager | This class provides an interface for retrieving miscellaneous information about currently logged-in user.
Before using this class you must authorize or register with the help of KSAuthorizer class. You must pass the same KSTransport instance to its constructor as you have passed to KSAuthorizer instance constructor. |
KSAccountStatus | A model object which describes user's account status. |
KSAccountUserInfo | A model object which describes user's account information. |
KSAuthorizer | This class provides an interface for performing various authorization-related routines.
Use this class to authorize with an existing KeepSolid account or create a new one. After initializing an instance of this class with an instance of KSTransport and performing authorization, be sure to pass the same instance of KSTransport to other classes which depend on it. Otherwise you will not be able to use all features of SDK. |
KSException | VPN Unlimited SDK internal exception. Exception details should be retrieved by getResponse(). |
KSFacade | This singleton class which provides access to KeepSolid API. |
KSImageLoader | This class provides an interface for loading remote images.
KSImageRequest | A special request class used by KSTransport. A request object is constructed with one of the factory methods of KSRequestBuilder. The newly created request must then be passed as a parameter to KSTransport.sendImageRequest(KSImageRequest) method. |
KSImageResponse | This class represents general response on image request. |
KSLocationCoordinate2D | Type used to represent a latitude or longitude coordinate in degrees |
KSPurchaseItem | A model object which describes purchased item. |
KSPurchaseManager | This class provides an interface for validating a purchase.
Before using this class you must authorize or register with the help of KSAuthorizer class. You must pass the same KSAuthorizer instance to its constructor as you have passed to KSAuthorizer instance constructor. |
KSRequest | A special request class used by KSTransport. A request object is constructed with one of the factory methods of KSRequestBuilder. The newly created request must then be passed as a parameter to KSTransport.sendRequest(KSRequest) method. |
KSRequest.METHOD | http method presentation |
KSRequest.VPNURequestEndpointType | KeepSolid API type |
KSRequestBuilder | This class provides a factory methods for building KeepSolid API requests. |
KSResponse | This class represents general VPNU SDK operation response. |
KSTransport | Class used to send synchronous requests to KeepSolid servers.
Once sign-in request is successful, the instance of manages the created session internally. If you use the standard authorization routine with method KSAuthorizer.authorizeWithLogin(String, String), KSTransport silently re-authorizes if the session is expired. But if you implement non-standard authorization methods (like authorizing with social networks), it is impossible to re-authorize without calling the third-party code. In this case you must implement KSAuthDelegate and pass the delegate instance to KSAuthDataSource via setAuthDelegate(KSAuthDelegate) before any usage of this class. |
LocalizedResponseProvider | This class provides an interface for retrieving localized descriptions about various server errors. For sample implementation, please, refer KSDefault |
OpenVpnManager | |
OpenVpnService | |
OpenVpnThreadListener | |
VPNUConfigurator | This class provides an interface for managing VPN connection.
A basic workflow looks as follows:
1. Call prepare() method to establish connection to VPN Unlimited service or creates a new one. 2. Configure VPN server item using setup(com.keepsolid.androidkeepsolidcommon.vpnunlimitedsdk.entities.VPNUServer, com.keepsolid.androidkeepsolidcommon.vpnunlimitedsdk.entities.VPNUProtoConfig, boolean) method. 3. Add OpenVpnStatusChangedListener for observing connection status. 3. Connect to the configured VPN server using startVpn() method. 4. Disconnect at any time using stopVpn() method. Before using this class you must authorize or register with the help of KSAuthorizer class. You must pass the same KSAuthorizer instance to its constructor as you have passed to KSAuthorizer instance constructor. |
VPNUFacade | This singleton class which provides access to VPN Unlimited SDK API. |
VPNUProtoConfig | Entity class to describe VPN connection protocol settings. |
VPNUProtoConfig.Transport | Enumeration class that contain all available transport to set as parameter in VPNUProtoConfig. |
VPNURequestHeaders | This class provides actions strings for KeepSolid VPN API requests. |
VPNUServer | A model object which describes remote vpn server. |
VPNUServersManager | This class provides an interface for retrieving current list of vpn unlimited servers.
Before using this class you must authorize or register with the help of KSAuthorizer class. You must pass the same KSAuthorizer instance to its constructor as you have passed to KSAuthorizer instance constructor. |