Developers SDK


Class used to send synchronous requests to VPN Unlimited service servers.

When an instance of this class is created it then can be passed as a parameter to other classes which are initialized using initWithtransport: method.

Once sign-in request is successful, the instance of VPNUTransport manages the created session internally. Therefore, all subsequent requests should be made using the same instance of VPNUTransport.

If you use the standard authorization routine with authorizeWithLogin: method of VPNUAuthorizer class, VPNUTransport silently re-authorizes if the session is expired. But if you implement non-standard authorization methods (like authorizing with social networks), it is impossible to re-authorize without calling the third-party code. In this case you must implement methods from VPNUAuthDelegateProtocol and pass the delegate instance to customAuthDelegate property before any usage of this class.

Extends: NSObject

Declared in: VPNUTransport.h

Instance Methods

Class Methods
