Developers SDK

VPN Unlimited SDK v1.9 for iOS Reference

Name Description
KSVPNUFacade Class which serves as a 'facade' to other VPN Unlimited SDK classes.
VPNUAccountDeviceStatistics A model object which describes statistics of a user's device for a specific date.
VPNUAccountDevice A model object which describes a user's device.
VPNUAccountStatus A model object which describes user's account status.
VPNUAccountUserInfo A model object which describes user's account information.
VPNUAccount This class provides an interface for retrieving miscellaneous information about currently logged-in user.
VPNUAuthorizer This class provides an interface for performing various authorization-related routines.
VPNUBroadcaster Use the links in the table of contents to the left to access the documentation.
VPNUConfigurator This class provides an interface for controlling VPN connections.
VPNUConstants Use the links in the table of contents to the left to access the documentation.
VPNUOnDemandConnectionManager This class provides a programmatic interface for managing VPN On Demand Rules.
VPNUPurchaseItem A model object which describes purchased item.
VPNUPurchaseManager This class provides an interface for validating a purchase.
VPNURequest A special request class used by VPNUTransport.
VPNUServerItem A model object which describes a VPN server.
VPNUStorage Special class which can be used to save account-specific information on disk.
VPNUTransport Class used to send synchronous requests to VPN Unlimited service servers.
Other versions: 1.1 / 1.7 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 2.0 / 2.1.0 / 2.2.0