This class hides the complexity of VPN Unlimited SDK by encapsulating most of the needed features.
Extends: NSObject
Declared in: KSVPNUFacade.h
@property (copy) NSString *appScheme;
Application scheme used by local server.
@property (readonly) VPNUAuthorizer *authorizer;
Intance of VPNUAuthorizer which is used authorize to server.
This object is read-only and created lazily inside KSVPNUFacade implementation.
@property (readonly) VPNUConfigurator *configurator;
Intance of VPNUConfigurator which is used to configure and control VPN connections.
This object is read-only and created lazily inside KSVPNUFacade implementation.
@property (strong) VPNUAccountStatus *currentAccountStatus;
Currently logged-in user's account status.
@property (strong) VPNUAccountDevice *currentDeviceInfo;
Info about currently logged-in user's device.
@property (strong) NSArray<VPNUServerItem *> *currentServersList;
Currently user's servers list from the serversListWithCompletion: method.
@property (strong) VPNUAccountUserInfo *currentUserInfo;
Info about currently logged-in user.
@property (class, readonly) KSVPNUFacade *defaultFacade;
Singleton instance of Facade.
@property (copy) NSString *profileName;
Custom name for a downloaded VPN profile.
@property (readonly) VPNUTransport *transport;
Intance of VPNUTransport which is used to send requests to server.
This object is read-only and created lazily inside KSVPNUFacade implementation.
typedef enum { KSVPNUServerListOptionsNonAuthorized, KSVPNUServerListOptionsOptimal, KSVPNUServerListOptionsSquareFlags } KSVPNUServerListOptions;