Contact support
*All fields must be filled in
Extends: NSObject
Declared in: VPNUManager.h
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *customProtocolProfileName;
Custom name for a downloaded VPN profile if Wise or OpenVPN is selected as protocol.
If not set - `profileName` is used.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) VPNUProtocol protocol;
Protocol used when downloading and configuring VPN profile.
Set this property before calling startVPNTunnelWithServerItem:protocol:completion: method. Default value is VPNUProtocolIPSecIKEv2.
typedef enum { VPNUProtocolUnknown = 0, VPNUProtocolIPSecIKEv2 = 2, VPNUProtocolOpenVPN = 4, VPNUProtocolKeepSolidWiseTCP = 6, VPNUProtocolKeepSolidWiseUDP = 7, VPNUProtocolWireguard = 8, } VPNUProtocol;
extern NSString * const kVPNUNewSSIDNotificationKey;
extern NSString * const kVPNUNewSSIDNotificationKey;
extern NSString * const VPNUNewSSIDFoundNotification;
extern NSString * const VPNUNewSSIDFoundNotification;