Conforms: NSCoding
Extends: NSObject
Declared in: VPNUAccountStatus.h
@property (strong, readonly) NSArray* availableProtocols;
Array of strings describing available VPN protocols for current user.
@property (readonly) VPNUProtocol defaultProtocol;
Default protocol based on contents of `availableProtocols` field.
@property (readonly, getter=isExpired) BOOL expired;
A boolean value which indicates if the account is expired.
@property (strong, readonly) NSDate *expiredDate;
A date of current account expiration.
@property (readonly, getter=isLifetime) BOOL lifetime;
A boolean value which indicates if account has lifetime subscription.
@property (readonly) VPNULocation *real;
Real location information.
@property (readonly) long long secondsLeft;
Number of seconds left till account expiration.
@property (readonly) VPNULocation *server;
Server location information.
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *timeLeftString;
A human-readable string which describes the time left till account expiration.
@property (readonly, getter=isTrialPeriod) BOOL trialPeriod;
A boolean value which indicates if the account in trial period.