Extends: NSObject
Declared in: VPNUConnection.h
@property (readonly) NSDate *connectedDate;
@property (readonly) NSDate *connectedDate;
The date and time when the connection status changed to NEVPNStatusConnected. This property is nil if the connection is not fully established.
@property (readonly) VPNUConnectionStatus status;
@property (readonly) VPNUConnectionStatus status;
The current status of the VPN connection. This value is KVO-compliant.
typedef enum { VPNUConnectionStatusInvalid, VPNUConnectionStatusDisconnected, VPNUConnectionStatusConnecting, VPNUConnectionStatusConnected, VPNUConnectionStatusReasserting, VPNUConnectionStatusDisconnecting } VPNUConnectionStatus;
extern NSString * const VPNUConnectionStatusDidChangeNotification;
extern NSString * const VPNUConnectionStatusDidChangeNotification;
extern NSString * const VPNUConnectionStatusUserInfoKey;
extern NSString * const VPNUConnectionStatusUserInfoKey;