Contact support
*All fields must be filled in
Use this class to manage Service Set Identifier (SSID) lists in conjunction with VPN On Demand rules. The instance of this class must be set as onDemandConnectionManager property of VPNUConfigurator if you want to apply these rules while setting up a VPN connection.
This class automatically detects new SSIDs and sends a VPNUNewSSIDFoundNotification notification with newly detected SSID's string as a value for key kVPNUNewSSIDNotificationKey in userInfo dictionary of this notification.
You must reconfigure your current VPN connection with new settings each time you want them to take effect.
Conforms: NSCoding
Extends: NSObject
Declared in: VPNUOnDemandConnectionManager.h
- (void)addSSIDToTrusted:(NSString *)SSID;
Available in Mac OS X v10.8. Available in iOS v8.0.
- (void)addSSIDToUntrusted:(NSString *)SSID;
Available in Mac OS X v10.8. Available in iOS v8.0.
- (void)removeSSID:(NSString *)SSID;
Available in Mac OS X v10.8. Available in iOS v8.0.
- (void)removeSSIDFromTrusted:(NSString *)SSID;
Available in Mac OS X v10.8. Available in iOS v8.0.
- (void)removeSSIDFromUntrusted:(NSString *)SSID;
Available in Mac OS X v10.8. Available in iOS v8.0.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL connectOnCellular;
If set to YES, VPN connection is allowed for cellular networks, disallowed otherwise. Default value is YES.
Available in Mac OS X v10.8. Available in iOS v8.0.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL connectOnEthernet;
If set to YES, VPN connection is allowed for wired Ethernet connections, disallowed otherwise. Default value is YES.
Available in Mac OS X v10.8. Available in iOS v8.0.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL connectOnWireless;
If set to YES, VPN connection is allowed for wireless networks, disallowed otherwise. Default value is YES.
Available in Mac OS X v10.8. Available in iOS v8.0.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL onDemandEnabled;
If set to YES, VPN connection auto-established when internet connection established. Default value is NO.
Available in Mac OS X v10.8. Available in iOS v8.0.
@property (readonly, copy) NSArray *SSIDList;
Gets a list of Service Set Identifiers (SSIDs).
Available in Mac OS X v10.8. Available in iOS v8.0.
@property (readonly, copy) NSArray *SSIDTrustedList;
Gets a list of trusted Service Set Identifiers (SSIDs).
Available in Mac OS X v10.8. Available in iOS v8.0.
@property (readonly, copy) NSArray *SSIDUntrustedList;
Gets a list of untrusted Service Set Identifiers (SSIDs).
Available in Mac OS X v10.8. Available in iOS v8.0.