typedef enum { VPNUResponseCodeOperationSuccess = 200, VPNUResponseCodeAlreadyConfirmed = 301, VPNUResponseCodeInvalidUserNameOrPassword = 302, VPNUResponseCodeAccountHasBeenBlocked = 303, VPNUResponseCodeInvalidReferenceCode = 304, VPNUResponseCodeErrorWhileEncryption = 305, VPNUResponseCodeErrorInvalidURLForProfile = 306, VPNUResponseCodeToManyUsersRegisteredFromThisDevice = 308, VPNUResponseCodeTooManyDevices = 309, VPNUResponseCodeUserAlreadyExist = 310, VPNUResponseCodeNeedConfirmEmail = 311, VPNUResponseCodePasswordSecurityCheckFailed = 312, VPNUResponseCodeUserBanned = 313, VPNUResponseCodeUserDeleted = 314, VPNUResponseCodeServiceAccessDenied = 318, VPNUResponseCodeErrorSignIn = 321, VPNUResponseCodeErrorInvalidSignInToken = 322, VPNUResponseCodeAccountCantBeUsed = 323, VPNUResponseCodeEndpontInactive = 324, VPNUResponseCodeProfileIsIncorrect = 327, VPNUResponseCodePurchaseAlreadyExists = 341, VPNUResponseCodeErrorAppleResponsePurchase = 342, VPNUResponseCodeErrorInvalidPurchase = 343, VPNUResponseCodeRedeemAlreadyUsed = 351, VPNUResponseCodeRedeemTypeAlreadyUsed = 352, VPNUResponseCodeInvitesLimitExceeded = 355, VPNUResponseCodeTooMuchMail = 361, VPNUResponseCodeErrorGeneral = 500, VPNUResponseCodeErrorInvalidRequest = 501, VPNUResponseCodeErrorInvalidParams = 502, VPNUResponseCodeErrorSessionSoured = 503, VPNUResponseCodeErrorInvalidEmailFormat = 504, VPNUResponseCodeErrorServerDBLayer= 505 } VPNUResponseCode;
Response codes.
Constants - VPNUResponseCodeOperationSuccess
- Operation success.
- VPNUResponseCodeAlreadyConfirmed
- Already Confirmed.
- VPNUResponseCodeInvalidUserNameOrPassword
- Invalid user name or password.
- VPNUResponseCodeAccountHasBeenBlocked
- Entered password incorrectly 5 times and your account has been blocked.
- VPNUResponseCodeInvalidReferenceCode
- Invalid reference code.
- VPNUResponseCodeErrorWhileEncryption
- Error while encryption.
- VPNUResponseCodeErrorInvalidURLForProfile
- Invalid URL for profile.
- VPNUResponseCodeToManyUsersRegisteredFromThisDevice
- Too many users have been registered from this device.
- VPNUResponseCodeTooManyDevices
- More than N devices registered for same account.
- VPNUResponseCodeUserAlreadyExist
- This email is already in use.
- VPNUResponseCodeNeedConfirmEmail
- You should confirm your e-mail.
- VPNUResponseCodePasswordSecurityCheckFailed
- Password security check failed.
- VPNUResponseCodeUserBanned
- This account is banned.
- VPNUResponseCodeUserDeleted
- Account suspended.
- VPNUResponseCodeServiceAccessDenied
- Service access denied.
- VPNUResponseCodeErrorSignIn
- Sign In Error.
- VPNUResponseCodeErrorInvalidSignInToken
- Invalid Sign In token.
- VPNUResponseCodeAccountCantBeUsed
- This email has been already used for login.
- VPNUResponseCodeEndpontInactive
- The selected entry point is not active.
- VPNUResponseCodeProfileIsIncorrect
- Social login failed.
- VPNUResponseCodePurchaseAlreadyExists
- Purchase already exists on server DB.
- VPNUResponseCodeErrorAppleResponsePurchase
- Apple not respond for purchase validation.
- VPNUResponseCodeErrorInvalidPurchase
- Purchase is invalid. Hash for purchase already exist for example.
- VPNUResponseCodeRedeemAlreadyUsed
- Redeem already used.
- VPNUResponseCodeRedeemTypeAlreadyUsed
- Redeem with this type already used.
- VPNUResponseCodeInvitesLimitExceeded
- You have exceeded the limit of invitations.
- VPNUResponseCodeTooMuchMail
- Too many mails was sent (by password recovery for example).
- VPNUResponseCodeErrorGeneral
- Some general error.
- VPNUResponseCodeErrorInvalidRequest
- Invalid request.
- VPNUResponseCodeErrorInvalidParams
- Invalid params on request.
- VPNUResponseCodeErrorSessionSoured
- Session soured.
- VPNUResponseCodeErrorInvalidEmailFormat
- Invalid e-mail domain or/and email format.
- VPNUResponseCodeErrorServerDBLayer
- Error on server DB layer.