Contact support
*All fields must be filled in
Before using this class you must authorize or register with the help of VPNUAuthorizer class. You must pass the same VPNUTransport instance to its constructor as you have passed to VPNUAuthorizer instance constructor.
Extends: NSObject
Declared in: VPNUServersListAccessor.h
- (NSArray<VPNUServerItem *> *)freeListWithError:(NSError **)error;
An array of VPNUServerItem objects if no error occured, nil otherwise.
It blocks a calling thread. This method shouldn't be called from main thread.
- (NSArray<VPNUServerItem *> *) freeOptimalServersListWithError:(NSError **)error;
An array of VPNUServerItem objects if no error occured, nil otherwise.
It blocks a calling thread. This method shouldn't be called from main thread.
- (instancetype)initWithTransport:(VPNUTransport *)transport NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
An initialized servers list accessor object or nil if the object couldn't be created.
- (NSArray<VPNUServerItem *> *)listWithError:(NSError **)error;
An array of VPNUServerItem objects if no error occured, nil otherwise.
It blocks a calling thread. This method shouldn't be called from main thread.
- (NSArray<VPNUServerItem *> *)optimalServersListWithError:(NSError **)error;
An array of VPNUServerItem objects if no error occured, nil otherwise.
It blocks a calling thread. This method shouldn't be called from main thread.
+ (instancetype)serversListAccessorWithTransport:(VPNUTransport *)transport;
An initialized servers list accessor object or nil if the object couldn't be created.
This method is a convenience constructor.
@property BOOL useSquareFlags;
Use square flags.